Norwegian food- what I eat in Norway!

On this journey, if I don't talk about Norwegian food then I will be lying to myself because people who know me very well, they know how much I like to eat and eating time will always be my favorite time of the day🙈🙈. There's a big difference between what I'm used to eating at home and what I eat here. One thing that I'm sure is I have been exposed to different dishes from different countries. It's very easy to say this is not what I'm used to eating, back in my country but whats the funny about it. Maybe it is all about coming out of your comfort zone and explore more. When I'm back in Tanzania I don't want to look back and think "maybe I could have eaten that" 😂 Culture is one of the factors that influence our eating habits because I remember when I first arrived in Norway. It was evening time and they gave me bread, I couldn't believe my eyes 😲 because it's not something I expected. There are so many foods when I first ...