Why Norway is a wealthy country?

During the infield, we had a class about ¨why Norway is a wealthy country? ¨ and it was interesting because that’s when you start questioning yourself what the real definition of wealthy and what should a country have to be wealthy. If we look in terms of laughter, bonding and smiles then our home countries are richer than Norway. The lecturer Enlighted us about the reasons why Norway is as it is today with good roads, hospitals, education system, justice system, gender equality, and so many things that the developed countries have. The reasons are;
  •  Geography; strategic position close to Britain. This has helped them in a better way.
  •  From raw material supplier to the production of manufactured goods. Example like making paper from the timber industry. When British started an industrial revolution Norway started too.
  •  Hydro-electric power from the waterfalls from about 1900.
  • Oil and Gas from 1969.
  •  Education, because of education people could speak for themselves in case of injustice. During that time when school law was established in 1889 when all children could attend the same school no matter the parent’s position and status.

The funny thing is due to the school law the economy was bad because the children were not on the farm but in-class learning.
Citizens in Norway follow rules and regulations in such an amazing way that I used to question myself how it is possible but during the class, I learned that since religion in Norway is mostly Lutheran Christianity so the most important elements of Lutheranism make Norwegians be obedient and law-abiding citizens.


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